ICX-Implants are manufactured by Medentis Medical GmbH in Germany with years of experience. The surface of the ICX-Implants is sandblasted and high temperature etched, allowing osteophilic surface morphology with bimodal structuring for reliable biological and mechanical anchoring of the bone...

ZERAMEX XT is a two-piece, screw-retained system that functions surgically and restoratively like current titanium implants. This case shows a ZERAMEX XT 4.2 x 10 mm implant placed in a healed extraction and grafted site. The implant placement was done...

Presented here are 3 outstanding teaching articles that will help our readers understand the most innovative treatment modalities available to all dentists. Early in my career, my mentor always promoted, “visualizing the case finished before you ever start.” This is...

DentalMonitoring announces their latest innovation, ScanAssist, the only AI-guided scan process available in orthodontics, designed to provide a fun, engaging patient experience, while also providing unprecedented photo quality for clinical analysis. ScanAssist helps patients complete their scans quickly and efficiently...

Introducing the Future of Dentistry – a new campaign focusing on the forces at play in the ever-changing world of dentistry and what we can expect to see over the coming weeks, months and years. Dentistry is at an inflection...

Pearl announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued U.S Patent No. 11,676,701 entitled “Systems and methods for automated medical image analysis.” This patent grants Pearl the exclusive rights to the computer system technology supporting the application...

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Welcome to Dallas, Texas host to the ICOI World Congress 2023. Dallas has a legendary status amid American cities, in no small part thanks to the iconic TV show of the same name. It is the...

Prema istraživanju, financijski interesi motiviraju stomatologe da šire dezinformacije Da bi identificirali dezinformacije o stomatološkim temama, istraživači sa Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta São Paulo u Baurúu upotrijebili su Googleovo napredno pretraživanje, a dobivene mrežne stranice pregledala su dva neovisna istraživača kako...

ISTRA dobila prvi smjer za dentalnog asistenta – Uvodi ga Talijanska srednja škola Foto Talijanska srednja škola Rovinj Učenicima koji završavaju osme razrede osnovne škole po prvi će put smjer dentalnog asistenta biti ponuđen i u Istri. Naime, do sada...

Koji su tretmani uključeni u Hollywood Smile u Grčkoj? Hollywood Smile je izraz koji se koristi za opisivanje savršenog osmijeha koji je ravan, bijel i blistavo privlačan. Postizanje holivudskog osmijeha u Grčkoj postalo je popularan trend posljednjih godina, jer se...
Trebate dentalnu uslugu?